Changes and Features
On this page we inform you about important changes in the service and added features.
If you encounter any problems, please refer to Current Problems and the FAQ to see if your question has already been answered.
Albert-Einstein-Straße 22
18059 Rostock
Josephin Tschakste
Tel.: +49 381 498-5347
Android app available again
The Android app is now available again in the Google Play Store and can now also be used again by devices with an Android version >= 13.
Validity period of the login tokens
The validity of the login tokens has changed as follows for security reasons:
- Web browser: 14 days
- Desktop apps: 90 days
- Mobile apps: 90 days
It is therefore necessary to log in to the service again after this time.
Supported Desktop-Client Version
As of 01.01.2024, only desktop clients with version >= 18.2.100 will be supported.
We ask you to update your desktop client accordingly.
Link validity
By default, all links have a duration of 30 days and can be valid for a maximum of three years. If you would like to have a shorter or longer duration than 30 days for your share links, please adjust this accordingly in the settings - a maximum of three years is possible.
For security reasons, there must not be an option for unlimited sharing.
OnlyOffice does not support old MS Office formats
It is possible to open and edit Microsoft Office or Libre Office documents with OnlyOffice. Please note that only the new MS Office formats are supported. The DOC / XLS / PPT (MS Office 2003) formats are not supported.