

PC-Service for private computers and notebooks

Staff members and students of the University of Rostock may use a chargeable PC service for private PC and notebooks. This service is implemented at the IT and Media Centre at the Albert-Einstein-Straße 22, Room 018, during the following hours:

Mondays from 8.00 to 14.00 o‘clock

Tuesdays from 9.00 to 14.00 o‘clock

Wednesdays from 9.00 to 14.00 o‘clock

Thursdays - closed

Fridays - closed

The service includes an advisory conversation, a possible fault analysis and the software related services listed below. If the problem cannot be removed after the one-hour error analysis, the further proceeding is jointly determined.

The costs are exclusively used for financing the student assistants.

Software related services:

  • Connecting private computers or laptops to the internet via network card, modem or WLAN
  • Problem solving for windows-based operating systems
  • Installing & updating various device drivers
  • Data backup on CD/ DVD
  • Reinstallation of the operating system
  • Updating the operating system (Service packages, patches)
  • Virus check and possible virus removal after previous agreement
  • Installing & setting up the current anti virus program Sophos with subsequent extensive hard drive check






0381 498-5318


Albert-Einstein-Str. 22

18059 Rostock
