Video conferences

Central video conference facilities are located at the ITMC.

Video conferences are tools that allow universities and research institutions to communicate with each other by temporarily overcoming space distances between the single workplaces. The use of video conferences allows the establishment of various communication opportunities.

The quality of image and sound transfer is that advanced that different application scenarios are possible. For instance, video conferences can be efficiently used at universities

  • In lectures, seminars, tutorials, practical trainings and examinations,
  • In larger events, such as congresses, openings or award ceremonies,
  • For cooperative works such as work and project team meetings or committee work.

The University of Rostock has the technical preconditions for using video conferences in different application scenarios.

In addition to spot-to-spot connections between two places, even multi-spot-conferences with several participants and videostreaming for live transfer from events or transferring recorded information upon request can be implemented.