Signing in at the Zoom client

You need to sign in to manage your meetings or your profile with the zoom client. The clients' sign-in-procedure  uses the authentication service of the University of Rostock. The essential steps are:

  1. Start the client and select the item "Sign In".
  2. Chose the option "Sign in with SSO".
  3. Enter the company domain uni-rostock-de afterwards*.
  4. You will be directed to the authentication service of the University of Rostock.
  5. The software automatically connects to your zoom account, when you signed in succesfully with your employee account / password at the University of Rostock.

*) Be aware of the minus signs instead of dots.

Notes on Signing In

(Staff only !)

To provide an easy and comfortable access to zoom, we make use of the central authentication service at the University of Rostock. For this reason, no further registration is needed.

Signing in using the ITMZ website

At the menu items Sign in / Join you will find links to sign in to your zoom account. You will be directed to the authentication service at the University of Rostock automatically. After signing in using your employee account / password at the University of Rostock, you will be transfered to your zoom account.


Licence / Admission

Authentication Service